My Doctor Gave It To Me Straight: “Change Your Lifestyle or Die”
Can you reverse type 2 diabetes with exercise? I did.
About five years ago, my doctor sat with me, reviewing the results of my annual physical. At one point, he looked up from the results of my blood work and delivered a very rude awakening: Change or die.
For years, I had pre-diabetes. Now, at 49, I had full-blown type 2 diabetes. My blood pressure was out of control as were my cholesterol readings. I took a handful of pills each day and it was about to get even worse.
So I listened. I changed my life. I went from being a very intermittent exerciser to someone who makes it a point to get some form of exercise each and every day. At the start, I would do a few miles a day in the gym on the exercise bike. Other days, I would run or walk on the treadmill. Occasionally I would try the weight machines although I had no idea what I was doing.