Back to School Stress

Parents Get Back-to-School Stress Too

Sep 2, 2024 | 5:00 AM

Stress can run through a family faster than the flu. Stay ahead of the fall rush with these strategies.

Back-to-school stress is not limited to kids. For already busy parents, adding transportation, after-school activities, and parent-teacher conferences into already full calendars can be a challenge. On top of that, parents almost always take on a certain level of stress from helping their kids adjust to a new school year, homework, grades and peer pressure.

Stress can be highly contagious. When parents are stressed, their kids pick up on the cues. So how do you avoid a complete family meltdown? Follow these tips endorsed by teachers, school psychologists and parents.

1. Budget your time and your expenses. Buy your school supplies and back-to-school clothing early. But before you blow through your entire budget, remember to set aside some money for yearbooks, school trips and other expenses. It’s also a good idea to sketch out a calendar for the upcoming semester, outlining all the important dates and commitments. Children thrive on routine, and parents need one, too.

2. Pick and choose activities wisely. Realize that when it comes to after-school activities, quality is just as important as quantity. Pushing too many activities on your children will inevitably stress them and you. Also remember that you do not need to volunteer for every bake sale or chaperoning opportunity.

3. Plan meals ahead. Prepare freezable meals such as casseroles or soups over the weekend, so you can get dinner on the table faster during the busy school week.

4. Ease into the routine. Avoid first-day-of-school mayhem by practicing the new routine a few days in advance. Set alarms, go through the morning rituals and get in the car or to the bus stop on time. Award good performance with a special breakfast treat!

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Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor