Does Having a Nightcap Make Sleep Better or Worse?
Here’s how alcohol may affect the quality of your sleep.
Having a drink before, during or after dinner may seem like the perfect way to relax and unwind at the end of a long day. Many people think this evening ritual helps to slough off the stress of the day so they can sleep well at night. But does having a nightcap actually help you sleep better – or does it make it harder to get a good night’s rest? Here are answers to common questions about alcohol’s effect on sleep.
What does alcohol do to your sleep?
Alcohol may help you fall asleep faster by inducing relaxation. But it also may interfere with the quality of your sleep. Researchers have found that alcohol suppresses REM (rapid eye movement) sleep in some people, which is the period of sleep when dreaming typically occurs. The REM phase of sleep is also when most memory processing and consolidation happens. Not getting enough REM sleep may impact these functions and may also negatively affect mental health.